I periodically borrow my mother's camera because it's a lot better than mine. Then, unless I'm working on something specific, I promptly forget that I borrowed my mother's camera and never go back and retrieve the pictures. So the other day I took some pictures and in the process of fishing them off the SD card, I found a whole bunch of others. Some of them are pretty good, so today, you get a collage of forgotten images.
Sunset painting the clouds gold east of Cut Bank.
Add a liberal sprinkling of cows
Fog bank rolling in.
Fog in the foothills
Apparently, the pot of gold is buried in our indoor arena.
Still trying to find a use for all these damn rocks.
And the best of the works, fall swans near Duck Lake,
with the entrance to the Many Glacier valley in the background.
I’ll bet that last shot is beautiful in the early autumn when the aspens/birches are enrobed in quivering gold.
Oh, yes. In my opinion, fall is the most gorgeous time of year in Glacier National Park. Unfortunately, we missed the fall colors this year. We usually make a point of visiting in October but an early snowstorm beat us to the punch.
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