Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Where to Find the Good Stuff

...aka, the short humor posts I used to put on this blog, which I stopped doing after I contracted with a group of regional newspapers who actually pay me for them. However, this means that I've got about eight years of stories piled up in my hard drive, so I decided rather than let them molder, I will share them with my newsletter subscribers every other week (or so, depending on my schedule).

Here are the two latest editions if you want to check them out. I'll post links here when I send out a new story, but you can also have them plopped right in your inbox if you visit my website and sign up:

The newsletters will also give you a heads up when I release new books, and there are drawings for things like advance copies specifically for subscribers. Here are the links to the last two editions.

Sooo Tired of Winter 

A Good Wreck--Lessons in Pain

Enjoy! And don't forget, if you're looking for a stocking stuffer or a very unique Christmas cowboy story, I have just the thing:

For details and purchase info:

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